RIDEF Oaxaca, Mexico 2024
August 2 to 11, 2024
The RIDEFs contribute ideas, broaden horizons, increase motivation through cooperative work among the movements, in order to advance in the construction and deepening of pedagogical training.

The International Gathering of Freinet Educators (RIDEF) is a biannual meeting of cooperative work between educators from the different member countries of the International Federation of Modern School Movements (FIMEM) who share the philosophical and pedagogical principles of the Modern School.
The host countries, through their Freinet Pedagogy teaching collectives, carry out the necessary management to carry out this meeting. In the case of Mexico, two movements are in charge of organizing RIDEF 2024: the Movimiento por una Educación Popular Alternativa A.C. (MEPA), founded in 2007, and the Movimiento Mexicano para la Escuela Moderna (MMEM) , founded in 1987.
During the ten days of RIDEF, there is an exchange of reflections, practices, perspectives and awareness of the educational circumstances of each country and region. In addition to this, fraternal links are established among the teachers who attend, which allows the generation of political-pedagogical actions for the defense of a popular, democratic and emancipatory education.
For this RIDEF 2024 the theme will be:
The genesis of critical and resistance thinking in teacher education.
The invitation is to reflect on our own processes of epistemological, ethical and critical rupture. To dialogue and question the model under which we were educated as teachers and identify the moment in which we became the emancipatory teachers we are today.
Finally, we would like to share the experience of the rural teacher training schools, which for 100 years have been offering higher education to the sons and daughters of peasants, with popular pedagogical practices and with the objective of providing tools for emancipation, collective work and critical thinking.